Accessing the Potential: Towards a UNPROFOR in Gaza

   Image credit; Ya Libnan news 

It has been a month since Sarah Leah Whitson, Executive Director of DAWN put forward the suggestion for an International Protection Force for Gaza[i]. The intervention was called due to the current threat of famine that waits for 576,000 people in Gaza. This demand is not novel and there has been special intervention in the past to protect civilians. This begs for a review of the UN's crucial experience during the Yugoslavia war, when it founded the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in former Yugoslavia in the context of Gaza.

UNPROFOR was sent in Former Yugoslavia primarily to monitor ceasefires, provide humanitarian relief, and protect people during the conflict. The force had added rights to monitor the "no-fly" zone that prohibited all the military aircraft in United Nations Protected Areas (UNAPs), within Bosnia and Herzegovina, authorization to use force in self-defense and coordinate air power deployment for NATO operations[ii]. Given the unprecedent killing and bombing of civilians including children it is important to ask why there is no formal proposition for an UNPROFOR in Gaza when this same initiative was successful during the Yugoslavia war.

Firstly, it will be right to say that establishment of UNPROFOR emerged from the political willingness of the countries to stop the war. Most importantly there was a willingness from the Five veto powers within security council. United Stated on the other hand vetoed all the ceasefire resolution since October 2023 only until recently which Israel has ignored and rather increased its intensive in Gaza[iii]. This clearly points towards structural deformity within UN, which is still in Cold War Era.

The undergoing conflict in Gaza has same ethnic, socio-political, and religious dimension as Yugoslavia conflict but in addition to it there is also the global trade dimension that supports the ongoing conflict. The Washington’s Foreign Military Financing (FMF) programme provides grants totaling around $3.3 billion per year to Israel, which it must utilizes to acquire US military equipment and services[iv]. Consider the trade it is highly unlikely that US will contribute towards the special protection for Gaza which has no such deal with the US.

Furthermore, during the Yugoslavia war the major contributors to the UNPROFOR were United States, Russia (then part of the Soviet Union), France, the United Kingdom, and China, among others. Considering the current blatant disregard for the UN ceasefire resolution and killing of UN staff by Israel within Gaza will only put UN forces at risk, considering the nature of conflict.

While UNPROFOR deployment is different from the regular peacekeeping operations it is still part of border UN peacekeeping operations and undergoes same process as any other mandate that is passed by Security Council. This will require immense pressure from the global community to ensure that such resolution is not vetoed out by US. Further, Considering the low contribution of Military Personnels by the Arab nations to the current peacekeeping troops, the demand for an International Protection Force losses its credibility.

When one looks at the contribution towards the peacekeeping forces Arab countries have the almost no contribution towards it, in terms of troops. Meanwhile South Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey has contributed significantly[v]. As for Pakistan who is ranked 6th in its contribution to the peacekeeping forces, is less likely to go against US blatantly, as it is dependent on US for foreign aid to ensure its own stability. While Malaysia, Bangladesh and Indonesia neither have the economic or geostrategic advantage to take up special protection mission in Gaza. Nevertheless, considering the support from other veto powers UNPROFOR is still possible and as a matter of fact only feasible option. 

To summarise, while the construction of a UNPROFOR Gaza is theoretically viable, it requires overcoming political difficulties, guaranteeing real global backing, and addressing the lack of Arab nation involvement in order to be practical.


[i] DAWN. (2024, March 2). United Nations: Establish International Protection Force in Gaza. DAWN.

[ii] Department of Public Information, UN. (1996). Former Yugoslavia—UNPROFOR. Https://Peacekeeping.Un.Org/Mission/Past/Unprof_p.Htm.

[iii] UN Security Council demands ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Gaza, ending months-long deadlock | UN News. (2024, March 25).

[iv] U.S. Aid to Israel in Four Charts. (n.d.). Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved March 31, 2024, from

[v] United Nations. (2021). Uniformed Personnel Contributing Countries by Ranking.



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